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Functions to generate the meta csv file for local cached dataset.


meta_data(dir = "", cleanup = FALSE, checkData = TRUE)



The path to the shared data folder.


If remove any invalid intermediate files. Default is FALSE. In cases one data recipe (with same parameter values) was evaluated multiple times, the same data file(s) will match to multiple intermediate files (e.g., .yml). cleanup will remove older intermediate files, and only keep the most recent ones that matches the data file. When there are any intermediate files that don't match to any data file, cleanup will also remove those.


check if the data (listed as "# output: " in the yml file) exists. If not, do not include in the output csv file. This argument is added for internal testing purpose.


a data.frame with yml file name, parameter values, data file paths, date, and user-specified notes when generating the data with getData().


outdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "SharedData")
#> [1] yml    params output notes  date   <NA>  
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)