Chapter 9 Bulk RNAseq

This pipeline covers RNA-seq reads quality summary by fastQC, alignment by STAR, quantification by featureCounts and quality control by RSeQC.

rnaseq_Sf <- cwlLoad("pl_rnaseq_Sf")
## fastqc loaded
## STAR loaded
## sortBam loaded
## samtools_index loaded
## samtools_flagstat loaded
## featureCounts loaded
## gtfToGenePred loaded
## genePredToBed loaded
## read_distribution loaded
## geneBody_coverage loaded
## gCoverage loaded
## STAR loaded

The pipeline includes 10 steps, each step runs a single command as follows:

## List of length 10
## names(10): fastqc STAR sortBam ... genePredToBed r_distribution gCoverage
  • fastqc: to run quality summary for raw fastqs with base command fastqc.
  • STAR: to align fastqs with STAR.
  • sortBam: to sort bam files with samtools.
  • samtools_index: to index aligned bam file with samtools.
  • samtools_flagstat: to summarize alignment flags with samtools.
  • featureCounts: to quantify gene abundance with featureCounts.
  • gtfToGenePred: to convert GTF annotation to ‘genePred’ format with RSeQC.
  • genePredToBed: to convert ‘genePred’ annotation to ‘bed’ format with RSeQC.
  • r_distribution: to run read distribution over genome features with RSeQC.
  • gCoverage: to summarize read coverage over gene body with RSeQC.

The rnaseq_Sf pipepine output includes the QC result from fastqc step, indexed bam files from samtools_index step, log and read counts from STAR step, flag summary from samtools_flagstat step, feature counts from featureCounts step, alignment QC results from RSeQC steps.

## outputs:
## out_fastqc:
##   type: File[]
##   outputSource: fastqc/QCfile
## out_BAM:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: samtools_index/idx
## out_Log:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: STAR/outLog
## out_Count:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: STAR/outCount
## out_stat:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: samtools_flagstat/flagstat
## out_count:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: featureCounts/Count
## out_distribution:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: r_distribution/distOut
## out_gCovP:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: gCoverage/gCovPDF
## out_gCovT:
##   type: File
##   outputSource: gCoverage/gCovTXT

9.1 Prepare data

An RNASeq test data with paired-end fastq files for 6 samples can be downloaded from genomedata. Create a local directory and follow the code below to download and uncompress.

dir.create("data/RNAseq", recursive = TRUE)
      exdir = "data/RNAseq/")

9.2 Submit parallel jobs

Powered by BiocParallel,Rcwl supports parallel job running for multiple samples using the runCWLBatch function.

The BPPARAM argument in runCWLBatch() defines the parallel parameters. It can be defined by BiocParallel::BatchtoolsParam function, where the cluster argument takes different values for different cluster job manager, such as “multicore”, “sge” and “slurm”. More details about available options can be checked by ?BiocParallel::BatchtoolsParam.

bpparam <- BatchtoolsParam(workers = 2, cluster = "sge",
                           template = batchtoolsTemplate("sge"))

In the following example, we are using “multicore” for the parallel running.

bpparam <- BatchtoolsParam(
    workers = 2, cluster = "multicore")

When submitting parallel jobs using runCWLBatch function, two other arguments: inputList and paramList, need to be defined.

The inputList argument is required to be a list of input parameter values for samples that are to be computed parallelly. NOTE that the names of the list must be consistent with the ids of input parameters. In this example, they are:

  • in_seqfiles: A list with the fastq files of each sample in each element. The names of the list need to be defined and can be the sample IDs. The length of the list will be the same as the number of samples, so that the list of samples can be assigned to different nodes for parallel computing. Here we only use 2 samples for demonstration purposes.
  • in_prefix: A list of sample IDs.
files <- normalizePath(list.files("data/RNAseq/", ".gz",
                                  full.names = TRUE))[1:4]
files <- tapply(files, substring(basename(files), 1, 8), as.list)
inputList <- list(in_seqfiles = files,
                  in_prefix = as.list(names(files)))

The paramList argument is required to be a list of input parameter values that are to be shared for all parallelly running samples. In this example, they are:

  • in_genomeDir: The reference genome indexes for STAR.
  • in_GTFfile: The gene annotation file in GTF format.
  • in_runThreadN: The number of threads to run for each job.
paramList <- list(
    in_genomeDir = "data/resources/GRCh38_chr22",
    in_GTFfile = "data/resources/GRCh38_chr22/gencode.v32.annotation_chr22.gtf",
    in_runThreadN = 2

Here we can also modify the default argument values in some steps of a pipeline. For example,

arguments(rnaseq_Sf, "STAR")[1:2]
## [[1]]
## [1] "--outFilterMultimapNmax"
## [[2]]
## [1] "3"
arguments(rnaseq_Sf, "STAR")[[2]] <- "2"
arguments(rnaseq_Sf, "STAR")[1:2]
## [[1]]
## [1] "--outFilterMultimapNmax"
## [[2]]
## [1] "2"

Now that the fastqc files of each sample will be submitted to different nodes to run the whole pipeline parallelly.

res <- runCWLBatch(cwl = rnaseq_Sf,
                   outdir = "output/RNAseq_bulk",
                   inputList = inputList,
                   paramList = paramList,
                   BPPARAM = bpparam,
                   showLog = TRUE)

Pipeline results are collected in the output directory (defined in outdir) for each sample.

## [1] "HBR_Rep1" "HBR_Rep2"

9.3 QC Summary

The tool multiqc can aggregate results from the multiple outputs of the pipeline and generate a single page report, which also was implemented in the RcwlPipelines package:

multiqc$dir <- "output/RNASeq_bulk"

We can also run the tool using Rcwl locally with the option docker = TRUE:

runCWL(multiqc, stderr = "", Args = "--preserve-entire-environment", docker = FALSE)

9.4 Abundances summary

Here we use the R/Bioconductor package edgeR functions to calculate the RPKM and CPM abundances.

countfiles <- list.files("output/RNAseq_bulk", "featureCounts.txt$",
                         recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
samples <- basename(dirname(countfiles))

rExp <- function(countfile){
    count1 <- read.table(countfile, header = TRUE)[, c(1,6,7)]
    rpkm1 <- edgeR::rpkm(count1[,3,drop=F], gene.length = count1$Length)
    cpm1 <- edgeR::cpm(count1[,3])
    count1 <- data.frame(count1, rpkm1, cpm1)
    colnames(count1)[3:5] <- c("count", "rpkm", "cpm")
##              Geneid Length count rpkm cpm
## 1 ENSG00000223972.5   1735     0    0   0
## 2 ENSG00000227232.5   1351     0    0   0
## 3 ENSG00000278267.1     68     0    0   0
## 4 ENSG00000243485.5   1021     0    0   0
## 5 ENSG00000284332.1    138     0    0   0
## 6 ENSG00000237613.2   1219     0    0   0

We combine the files into one file, and then the data is ready for statistical analysis using R/Bioconductor packages, such as DESeq2 or edgeR.

for(i in 1:length(samples)) {
    exp1 <- rExp(countfiles[i])
    write.table(exp1, file = paste0("output/RNAseq_bulk", samples[i],
                                    "/", samples[i], "_abundance.tsv"),
                row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")

9.5 transcriptome quantification

There are many tools available for transcriptome quantification, such as kallisto, StringTie, salmon, and Trinity. Here show the usage of Kallisto and salmon.

9.5.1 Kallisto

The kallisto is a tool to quantify transcript abundance with raw fastq reads and indexed reference transcriptomes. The Rcwl tool of kallisto_index below is used to build an index file from reference transcriptome fasta.

kallisto_index <- cwlLoad("tl_kallisto_index")
kallisto_index$fasta <- "data/resources/gencode.v33.transcripts.fa"
kallisto_index$index <- "gencode.v33.transcripts_kallisto"
runCWL(kallisto_index, outdir = "data/resources/kallisto", showLog = TRUE)

The Rcwl tool kallisto_quant runs the quantification algorithm to estimate the transcripts expression abundances.

kallisto_quant <- cwlLoad("tl_kallisto_quant")
inputList <- list(fastq = files)
paramList <- list(index = "data/resources/gencode.v33.transcripts_kallisto",
                  threads = 16)
bpparam <- BatchtoolsParam(workers = length(samples),
                           cluster = "multicore")
res2 <- runCWLBatch(kallisto_quant, outdir = "output/RNAseq_bulk/kallisto",
                    inputList, paramList,
                    BPPARAM = bpparam,
                    log = TRUE, logdir = ".")

Then the tool results are collected here:

list.files("output/RNAseq_bulk/kalisto", "abundance")
## character(0)

9.5.2 salmon

To be added.