Chapter 5 Tool/pipeline execution

5.1 Running Tools in Docker

The CWL can work with docker to simplify your software management and communicate files between host and container. The docker container can be defined by the hints or requirements option.

d1 <- InputParam(id = "rfile", type = "File")
req1 <- requireDocker("r-base")
doc <- cwlProcess(baseCommand = "Rscript",
                inputs = InputParamList(d1),
                stdout = "output.txt",
                hints = list(req1))
doc$rfile <- r4$output
r6 <- runCWL(doc)

The tools defined with docker requirements can also be run locally by disabling the docker option. In case your Rscript depends some local libraries to run, an option from cwltools, “–preserve-entire-environment”, can be used to pass all environment variables.

r6a <- runCWL(doc, docker = FALSE, outdir = tempdir(),
              cwlArgs = "--preserve-entire-environment")
## INFO Final process status is success

5.2 Running Tools in Cluster server

The CWL can also work in high performance clusters with batch-queuing system, such as SGE, PBS, SLURM and so on, using the Bioconductor package BiocParallel. Here is an example to submit jobs with “Multicore” and “SGE”.

sth.list <- as.list(LETTERS)
names(sth.list) <- LETTERS

## submit with multicore
result1 <- runCWLBatch(cwl = echo, outdir = tempdir(),
                       inputList = list(sth = sth.list),
                       BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(26))

## submit with SGE
result2 <- runCWLBatch(cwl = echo, outdir = tempdir(),
                       inputList = list(sth = sth.list),
                       BPPARAM = BatchtoolsParam(workers = 26,
                                                 cluster = "multicore"))

5.3 Web Application

5.3.1 cwlProcess example

Here we build a tool with different types of input parameters.

e1 <- InputParam(id = "flag", type = "boolean",
                 prefix = "-f", doc = "boolean flag")
e2 <- InputParam(id = "string", type = "string", prefix = "-s")
e3 <- InputParam(id = "option", type = "string", prefix = "-o")
e4 <- InputParam(id = "int", type = "int", prefix = "-i", default = 123)
e5 <- InputParam(id = "file", type = "File",
                 prefix = "--file=", separate = FALSE)
e6 <- InputParam(id = "array", type = "string[]", prefix = "-A",
                 doc = "separated by comma")
mulEcho <- cwlProcess(baseCommand = "echo", id = "mulEcho",
                 label = "Test parameter types",
                 inputs = InputParamList(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6),
                 stdout = "output.txt")
## class: cwlProcess 
##  cwlClass: CommandLineTool 
##  cwlVersion: v1.0 
##  baseCommand: echo 
## inputs:
##   flag (boolean): -f 
##   string (string): -s 
##   option (string): -o 
##   int (int): -i 123
##   file (File): --file= 
##   array (string[]): -A 
## outputs:
## output:
##   type: stdout
## stdout: output.txt

5.3.2 cwlProcess to Shiny App

Some input parameters can be predefined in a list, which will be converted to select options in the webapp. An upload parameter can be used to defined whether to generate an upload interface for the file type option. If FALSE, the upload field will be text input (file path) instead of file input.

inputList <- list(option = c("option1", "option2"))
app <- cwlShiny(mulEcho, inputList, upload = TRUE)
