Chapter 11 miRNA

The miRDeep2 is one of the most popular tools for discovering known and novel miRNAs from small RNA sequencing data. We have wrapped the mapping and quantification steps into an Rcwl pipeline which is ready to load and use. More details about miRDeep2 can be found here:

miRDeep2PL <- cwlLoad("pl_miRDeep2PL")
## miRMapper loaded
## miRDeep2 loaded

Here We also use the data from the above GitHub repository as an example.

git2r::clone("", "data/miRNA")

11.0.1 Reference index

First, we need to build indexes for the miRNA reference with the Rcwl tool bowtie_build. This is only required to be performed once for each refernce genome.

bowtie_build <- cwlLoad("tl_bowtie_build")
## inputs:
##   ref (File):  
##   outPrefix (string):
bowtie_build$ref <- "data/miRNA/tutorial_dir/cel_cluster.fa"
bowtie_build$outPrefix <- "cel_cluster"
idxRes <- runCWL(bowtie_build, outdir = "output/miRNA/genome",
                 showLog = TRUE, logdir = "output/miRNA")

Then the indexed reference files are generated in the output directory defined in outdir.

## Warning in file.create(to[okay]): cannot create file 'output/miRNA/genome/
## cel_cluster.fa', reason 'No such file or directory'
## [1] FALSE
## character(0)

11.0.2 Run miRDeep2 pipeline

To run the pipeline for all samples parallelly, we need to prepare the inputs for arguments of inputList and paramList.

## inputs:
##   reads (File):  
##   format (string):  -c
##   adapter (string):  
##   len (int):  18
##   genome (File):  
##   miRef  ( File|string ): 
##   miOther  ( File|string ): 
##   precursors  ( File|string ): 
##   species (string):

To mimic multiple samples, here we just repeat to use the input reads as if they are two different samples.

reads <- list(sample1 = "data/miRNA/tutorial_dir/reads.fa",
              sample2 = "data/miRNA/tutorial_dir/reads.fa")

inputList <- list(reads = reads)
paramList <- list(adapter = "TCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTGT",
                  genome = "output/miRNA/genome/cel_cluster.fa",
                  miRef = "data/miRNA/tutorial_dir/mature_ref_this_species.fa",
                  miOther = "data/miRNA/tutorial_dir/mature_ref_other_species.fa",
                  precursors = "data/miRNA/tutorial_dir/precursors_ref_this_species.fa",
                  species = "C.elegans")

Let’s run the pipeline with two computing nodes.

mirRes <- runCWLBatch(miRDeep2PL, outdir = "output/miRNA",
                      inputList, paramList,
                      BPPARAM = BatchtoolsParam(
                          workers = 2, cluster = "multicore"))

The results are collected in the output directory defined in the outdir.

## character(0)