# echo_out

Print some character strings to a txt file
Recipe source code: https://github.com/rworkflow/ReUseDataRecipe/blob/master/echo_out.R (opens new window)

# plot

## echo_out

# Inputs

label type description
input input string The character strings to print to file
outfile outfile string The output file name

# Outputs

label type description
echoout echoout File[] The text file with printed strings

# Example:

## Get data from evaluting recipe
echo_out <- recipeLoad('echo_out')
echo_out$input <- 'Hello World'
echo_out$outfile <- 'echoHelloWorld'
getData(echo_out, outdir = 'data/folder', notes = c('echo', 'hello', 'world'))

## Get data from local catch
dataSearch(c('echo', 'hello'))