# gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37

GATK mutect2 bundle for b37 from GCP (gs://gatk-best-practices/somatic-b37)
Recipe source code: https://github.com/rworkflow/ReUseDataRecipe/blob/master/gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37.R (opens new window)
Data source: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/gatk-best-practices/somatic-b37 (opens new window)

# plot

## gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37

# Inputs

label type description
filename file name string The file basename to download from the broad GCP bucket
idx index string? The 'idx' or 'tbi' index file if existing

# Outputs

label type description
gfile gfile File[] The downloaded annotation files

# Example:

gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37 <- recipeLoad('gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37')
gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37$filename <- 'small_exac_common_3.vcf'
gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37$idx <- 'idx'
getData(gcp_gatk_mutect2_b37, outdir = 'data/folder', notes = c('gcp', 'gatk', 'mutect2', 'b37', 'small_exac_common'))

## Get data from local catch
dataSearch(c('gcp', 'gatk', 'b37'))